April 22, 2010

Natto Gohan

  • steamed white rice
  • natto (I personally prefer kotsubu=small sized or hikiwari=minced natto.)
  • soy sauce (our soy sauce is organic.)
  1. Open a natto packet. (it should be dissolved when you are ready to eat. we usually buy frozen one.)
  2. Trash a liquid sauce and mustard came with natto. It contains high fructose corn syrup.
  3. Move the plastic on the natto on to the top cover so it is less messy.
  4. Stir the natto with chopsticks in the plastic packet. Do it parallel to the bottom. If you push down and stir, you just make a hole in the bottom. Stir at least 30 times.
  5. Serve warm steamed rice for 1 in a medium size bowl.
  6. Put the well mixed natto on the rice.
  7. Pour 1ts soy sauce on the natto.
  8. Mix well when you eat, and after the first bite, adjust flavor with more soy sauce.
  9. Simple is the best though, mayonnaise, tororo, minced ginger, thin sliced green onion, or sesame seeds are great toppings. I had this with mayonnaise a couple days ago for my lunch. 

Dekiagari! 出来上がり!


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