April 24, 2010

How to Prepare Frozen Shrimp

We buy wild caught shrimp with head still on (flavor is better than headless, I think.) Usually Hmart sells it on sale so as you know we always buy extra and froze them. I will tell you how to prepare those frozen shrimp.

  1. Put frozen shrimp the amount you use in a bowl in the kitchen sink.
  2. Keep pouring fresh water in the bowl gently for 10min.
  3. Usually frozen shrimp should be melted pretty quickly in the water.
  4. Once shrimp is soft enough, you can peel the shell.
  5. Break head off and put it in another bowl.
  6. Then pull up the tail toward head and break it off first. (When you do this step, a gray string looking inside of shrimp is coming off with the tails. That's the part we don't wanna eat. If eat, you might feel eating like sands. Yuck. If it wouldn't come off with a tail, use a toothpick and stab it on the back body after peeling shells, then move the toothpick up breaking the part. You probably can pull the gray part out. Maybe I should make a video for this. It's hard to explain in English.)
  7. Break legs off.
  8. Then peel and break the body shell off.
  9. Wash it with water and ready to use.
Trash legs, tails and shells, but save the heads for making shrimp broth. You can use shrimp broth for miso soup and risotto or more.


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