May 20, 2010

Exception 1

I love them :) especially Mo' Joes' lobster bisque!

Oh, don't forget about chicken wings from Kraus' pizza.

May 6, 2010

Buffalo Stew

Ingredients: for 2 people though, it was not enough for us.
  • buffalo shoulder meat 0.6 pounds
  • onion 1 big yellow or white one
  • carrots 4 long ones
  • diced tomato in a can 200ml~230ml (using 1/3cup 3 times)
  • potatoes 2 
  • red wine 200ml
  • olive oil 2 tbs
  • garlic 2 or 3 big cloves
  • tomato ketchup 3 tbs
  • bouillon 5g (We have powder type now. It's no additives and no preservatives.)
  • butter 1tbs
  • salt and pepper
    1. Cut veggies except potato- chop garlic, carrots bite size, slice onion big.
    2. Cut meat bite size and put 1tea spoon of salt and about 5 shakes of pepper on them.
    3. Pour olive oil in a pot and warm. (I usually use 5 at our stove.)
    4. Put chopped garlic in the pot.
    5. Once you smell the garlic aroma, add meat and cook them until changing color. 
    6. Add all ingredients except potato and also add 1 pinch of salt.
    7. Lower heat (setting at 2~3 at our stove), put the lid on, and cook for 1.5hours.
    8. During the waiting time, peel potatoes and cut them the bigger than a bite size.
    9. After cooking for 1.5hours, add potatoes, close the lid again, and cook 30 more min.
    10. Check potatoes are soft enough to eat. If not, 10 more min and check again.
    11. When potatoes are done, dekiagari!

    Dekiagari! 出来上がり!


    May 3, 2010

    Zaru Soba


    • soba
    • mentsuyu
    • toppings like green onion, nori, wasabi, sesame seeds, shiso, ginger, tororo, etc.

    1. Make the water boil and put soba into the boiling water for 4~5min. (Look at the package for minutes.)
    2. During stage1, prepare for your toppings like cutting onions and grinding ginger.
    3. つゆを用意する。冷蔵庫に入ってるからね。
    4. おそばができたら、水と氷で洗う。
    5. ざるにあげて、水をきる。
    6. トッピングをつゆにいれたり、おそばにかけて、そばをつゆにつけて食べる。

    Dekiagari! 出来上がり!

    ゆでるだけだし、簡単だよね。お昼ごはんでも夜ごはんでも、どちらでもいいよ。冷たいそばのときは、スーパーで買ってきたつゆを使うよ。今使ってるのは無添加・保存料不使用だよ。 温かいそばのときは、自分で作ったつゆのほうがスキ。その作り方はまた今度。

    If you are thinking take out food...4

    Kiki's is great.

    I've only had their chicken katsudon though, it's the best in town comparing other Japanese restaurants. You know one of my favorites is katsudon and whenever we go to a new Japanese restaurant, I always order chicken katsudon. I should try something new at Kiki's though, I love their chicken katsudon, so maybe I'm missing their other good food out. That's ok, if you go there, they have my favorite.

    May 2, 2010

    Organic Soy Sauce

    I just want you know soy sauce that we usually use.
    Our soy sauce is organic. I can say we try to get organic of everything as possible. You know that.
    When you see 無添加,保存料不使用,無着色,有機, and 天然, that means no additives,no preservatives, no coloring, organic, and natural/natural caught. Sometimes you might see 遺伝子組換え不使用, that means things are not modified genetically.


    May 1, 2010

    Tamago kake Gohan

    • 1 fresh egg (pasteurized would be better in this means pasteurized egg shells.)
    • soy sauce( We've been using the kikkoman bottle but actual soy sauce is organic. When you buy it, look at the ingredient list carefully because sometimes modified or other weird things are added.)
    • steamed white rice

    1. Stir an egg well with chopsticks or a fork.
    2. Serve rice in a rice bowl.
    3. Pour the egg on the rice.
    4. Drop soy sauce one quick second like drawing a small circle.

    Dekiagari! 出来上がり!
