July 23, 2012

Ume-shu 梅酒 plum wine

First, I'm going to introduce the recipe of Ume-shu(plum wine).

Oh, I forgot to tell you this one important thing about ume. You cannot eat ume fresh because of its poison. I have heard that you could die from it and so if you have pets, don't plant this tree in your yard. Fresh ume smells really really good though, you gotta do something before you eat this fruit.


・ Ume 500g
・ Rocky crystal sugar 200g
・ 35% shochu 900ml


1. After you have prepared ume, put ume in a glass bottle/jar first.
2. Next is rocky crystal sugar.
3. Pour shochu. It has to be 35% or higher but usually use 35% shochu.
4. Close the lid of the glass bottle or jar.
5. Store it at a cool place and wait for at least a couple of months to be ready.

Dekiagari! できあがり!

I usually drink ume-shu with soda or just water with ice. It's probably one of girls' drinks.It's sweet and fruity. この前、少し味見してみたけど、まだちょっと早かったかなぁ。でもおいしかったよ。

June 27, 2012

Ume season!

Ume is my favorite!
They are in seasons around the end of May to early June.
I prepared umes for 5 different ways to preserve.
Picked umes, ume suger syrup, ume suger apple vinegar syrup, ume wine(plum wine), and umeboshi.
I will update the recipes for myself and omochi.

June 26, 2012

Now we are in Japan.

It's been for 4 months since we have lived in Japan. Yes, we eat sushi once a week. Cheapest sushi places are weigh better than expensive sushi from where we lived in the States. Slowly but surely I would like to continue this blog from JP:)

January 23, 2012

A big change...

We are moving back to JP with in a month. Actually, packed all kitchen stuff and we have been eating out everyday. So excited to have sushi dinner at least once a week:)