To Amu, 週末くらい料理してください。I'm hoping you handle our weekends food but I don't want to eat junk. If you come here, you can get ru food recipes. 家庭料理ってやつ、がんばってね!料理できたら良いパパになれるよ、きっと。 Love, Rupoomagoo.
We are moving back to JP with in a month. Actually, packed all kitchen stuff and we have been eating out everyday. So excited to have sushi dinner at least once a week:)
Japanese raised in Nagoya, JP who cannot handle American food everyday like her American husband raised in OH, USA. Using organic food as much as possible. Missing Japanese home style food and Amu's&his best friend's mommy food a lot.
Recipes are mainly Japanese home style food. It could be totally Japanese or Japanese style. I opened this blog for my husband. I am hoping that he cooks at least on weekends or when I don't want to cook. Cleaning is still my part so "sharing is caring" is still working?
To Amu
Be aware when you eat Japanese food. You know we use quite amount of salt, soy sauce, miso, fish broth...Your blood pressure is high so 気をつけてね。I'm sure way better than junk food though. 野菜もたくさん食べてね。水もいっぱい飲んでね。好き嫌いはしないでね。残さず食べてね。お酒は外では2本までね、家では3本までね。4本飲んでいつも気持ち悪くなってるから。夜ごはんのあと、ビタミンCのサプリメント飲んでね。Have fun cooking for me, your future kids, and yourself! What else...I cannot think about now though, you always read here and remind yourself!